Saturday, April 08, 2006


Reached work place at around 8pm. Saw lots of empty beds about 6 beds, almost wanted to cry out, what if there's alot of admission?? Not too sure whether can cope anot. But lucky enough, we only had 1 admission through out the night.

Before I started to do my parameters, received a call from OT (operating theatre) to send my patient to HD(high dependancy). So had to rush down immediately to OT and then to the ward. Upon reaching there, saw my nursing classmate - Judd.. Happily asked him to help me when he is suppose to off duty. After transfering the patient, wechatted while transfering the case sheet. So after all these are done we went off together and took some photos. :) Then he told me he change his contact no, ok... blur sotong me, after finished taking the photos i forget to ask him what is his new no.. -___-" KAOZ....

Anyway just some pics...

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Me inside the lift, going to fetch patient... tired looking face....

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Judd and me....

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Chen and me... our working table...

Forgott to post last week NURSES outing... WE went to Mr Bean to have our dinner then after went to play pool. Finally chilled out at starbucks before going home at around 10pm.. Short and nice one..
Some pics have frame over it.. Thanks to Yan Peng :)

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Sumita and Me

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Zhilian me....

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Waiting to play pool....

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The group photos.....

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Sue trying hard to play focus.. with all the ppl like us... hehe..

Ok thats all for today... my eyelids is out of my control le.. Tonight will be my last shift le./ See you nextweek.....

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